Tetracycline esophagitis



Brand name:


Oftentimes, this drug is released in the form of cream for the treatment of the skin diseases and infections of the mucous membrane; it is widely used for acne
Prescription needed
Consult a doctor
Not detected with light alcohol consumption
Side Effects:
Visual changes

Tetracycline esophagitis

Among the causative agents under discussion, tetracyclines and their derivatives play a leading role. Endoscopy revealed proximal oesophagitis which was confirmed histologically. We now report on a case with the aim of describing the typical tetracycline esophagitis course and clinical symptoms. Abstract Medication-induced oesophagitis is an unusual cause of oesophageal damage. A patient is presented who developed sudden onset of odynophagia and dysphagia while taking tetracycline. 1The mechanism by which tetracycline induces esophageal injury is unclear. 4 Among anti-inflammatory agents, the highest number of cases have been reported relating to aspirin. We found that esophagitis is significantly more common in patients taking tetracycline and its derivatives as compared with a control group (p. In this short report, we described five cases of doxycycline-induced esophagitis with endoscopic images. These medications have a low pH when dissolved in solution, such as saliva, and cause transient esophageal injury that how to get tegretol without a doctor heals after withdrawal Three drugs; tetracycline, doxycycline and clindamisin have been the causative agents in nearly half of all pill-induced esophageal ulcer cases. Symptoms resolved rapidly after stopping the offending drug A bluish-green exu- date overlying a serpiginous ulcer in the mid-esoph- agus has been described in a single case of TIE. All of the patients were young or middle-aged women Background: Tetracyclines may cause esophageal injury. Other antibiotics that can cause esophagitis include clindamycin, amoxicillin, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, rifaximin, etc. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): aspirin and aceclofenac can lead to esophageal mucosal injury[3]. 1,5 These data show that much attention should be given especially to those using these drugs Since 1972, a number of publications, in particular in the Anglo-American literature, have reported the occurrence of drug-induced esophagitis. Lubcke N, Van Camp K J Oncol Pharm Pract 2019 Apr;25 (3):724-726 DISCUSSION Numerous medications have been reported to be associ- ated with ulcerative esophagitis in both adults and children (Table). Bisphosphonates: tetracycline esophagitis alendronate, ibandronate Antibiotics Doxycycline, tetracycline, and clindamycin are the antibiotics that are most commonly associated with drug-induced esophagitis.

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